The Quickbite

Customer Experience News #67 Queuing, Target, Customer Feedback and QBE

Alex Allwood Customer Experience

Queue the Experience (3-4min)
For most of us, the idea of queuing is the absolute antithesis of a positive customer experience. However, as Alex Allwood argues in this article for CMO, innovative brands are recognising that customer queues represent an opportunity to create experiences that are distinctive, memorable and most importantly, shareable.                 

Is Target Off-Target? (5-6min)
Target Corporation is about to launch a major redesign of its US stores, as it looks to improve performance through enhancing customers’ in-store experience. However, as CX expert Michael Lowenstein argues, the proposed changes do little to engage employees in creating the kind of customer-centric culture that works so well for grocery competitors such as Wegmans and Trader Joe’s. 

Customers Pay Employee Bonuses! (1-2min)
Well not quite, but one Australian hearing aid company is planning to use customer feedback when calculating employee bonuses. In a first for the industry, audiologists will have their bonus payments linked to the results of customer satisfaction and clinical outcomes surveys, as well as annual client reviews.

In the News (1-2min)
The trend in Australia towards appointing Chief Customer Officers continues with insurance giant QBE announcing that executive GM of marketing, Bettina Pidcock, has been promoted to CCO. This is the first time such role has been created at QBE, reflecting the company’s desire to become more customer-centric and to improve its focus on delivering ‘exceptional customer experience’.