Customer Experience Case Study (3min)
From GovTech magazine a government sector CX case study with universal relevance; where customer empathy, journey mapping and human-centred design combined to transform an overly complex, time consuming and costly process.
How CX Can Earn a Seat at the Table (2-3min)
Luke Williams, author of the New York Times bestseller, ‘The Wallet Allocation Rule’ argues that advocates of customer experience as a viable strategy for value creation must demonstrate its contribution to the bottom line. In this article for CustomerThink he outlines three essential strategies for delivering a financial return on customer experience investment.
The Key to Effective Customer Journey Mapping (2min)
When seeking to understand their customers, many organisations rely exclusively on quantitative data and internal, assumptive journey mapping. In this interview with CXFocus Alex Allwood argues that effective journey maps must include qualitative research and the mapping of customer journeys from the customer’s perspective.