The Quickbite

Customer Experience News 123: Mass Customisation, NPS vs NetCNS and VoC

Alex Allwood ALEX ALLWOOD, Customer Experience, Customer Experience News, CX

How Carnival Mass Customises Guest Experiences (3min)
Cruise operator Carnival is now hyper-personalising guest experiences at scale with the recent launch of their high-tech Ocean Medallion. Experience guru Joe Pine explains how the device ‘efficiently, seamlessly and amazingly’ customises the cruise experience for every individual guest.

Is this the end for NPS? (2-3min)
This article from mycustomer argues that NPS is a metric of limited utility when it comes to understanding customer needs. The alternative is a Net Customer Need Score (NetCNS) which provides an organisation-wide operational measure and benchmark for how well customer needs are being met and a better understanding of the needs that actually drive the score.

Making Your VoC Program Sing (2min)
According to this judge from the 2018 UK Customer Experience Awards the key to CX success is storytelling – the ability to not only collect customer feedback but to share customer stories and good news stories about customer experiences successes across your organisation.