The Quickbite

Customer Experience News 107: CX Case Study, CX ROI and Customer Journey Mapping

Alex Allwood Customer Experience, Customer Experience News, Customer Journey Mapping, CX, EMPATHY

Customer Experience Case Study (3min) From GovTech magazine a government sector CX case study with universal relevance; where customer empathy, journey mapping and human-centred design combined to transform an overly complex, …

The Quickbite

Customer Experience News 106: Experience Retail, Gartner, CX Focus & Personalisation

Alex Allwood Customer Experience, Customer Experience News, CX, Experience Retail, PERSONALISATION

 The Rise of Experience Retail (2min) Retailers already under pressure from online competitors are now facing a new wave of competition from ‘experience retail’ brands, focused on creating exceptional bricks and mortar shopping experiences for …

The Quickbite

Customer Experience News 103: CX Vision & Principles, Nike, Culture & Bright Ideas

Alex Allwood Customer Experience, Customer Experience News, customer-centric culture, CX Vision & Principles

Developing a Customer Experience Vision & Principles (3min) Alex Allwood writes on the importance of developing a CX vision and principles as part of your customer experience strategy to inspire, unite and educate people across your …

The Quickbite

Customer Experience News 102: #GrowthHack, Agile Innovation, Forrester and Vodafone

Alex Allwood CULTURE, Customer Experience, Customer Experience News, CX

#GrowthHack: Being Customer Remarkable (2min) This week, Alex Allwood writes about her experience mentoring startup business AbleFinder and discusses their approach to problem solving the social challenge of community isolation for families with disabled …